Friday 16 August 2013


Satay is a food made from pieces of meat cut into small pieces and puncture ditusuki with satay sticks are usually made ​​of bone or bamboo palm leaves, then set on fire using wood charcoal. Sate is then served with various condiments which depends on satay recipe variations. [1] are used as meat include chicken satay, goats, sheep, cows, pigs, fish, and others.
Sate known from Java, Indonesia, and can be found anywhere in Indonesia and has been regarded as one of the national dishes of Indonesia. [2] Sate is also popular in Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand. Satay is also popular in the Netherlands that influenced Indonesian cuisine once a colony.
Satay is a very popular dish in Indonesia, with various tribes and traditions of the art of cooking (see Cuisine Indonesia) have produced various kinds of satay. In Indonesia, satay satay can be obtained from itinerant merchants, street vendors at roadside stalls, up at an upscale restaurant, and is often presented in a feast and festivity. Recipes and how to manufacture a wide range depend satay recipe variations and each region. Almost any kind of meat can be made satay. As the country origin of satay, Indonesia has a rich satay recipe variations.
Usually given satay sauce. This sauce can be soy sauce, peanut sauce, or the other, usually accompanied by pickled red onion slices, cucumber, and chili pepper. Sate eaten with warm rice or, if in some areas are served with rice cake or rice cake, there are two kind of satay : the first one is chicken satat abd the second one is satay goat,


many people believe that eating goat satay can increase libido, but it has not been medically proven, it just a myth

Thursday 15 August 2013

nasi sambal tumpang

5.Tumpang or tumpang sauce is a typical food of Kediri. How to serve sambal tumpang not much different from the way the presentation pecel sauce, with rice on it awarded various fresh vegetables or vegetables that have been boiled first and then doused with hot sauce and given the tumpang dent as a complement, could dent dent beans or anchovies.Tumapang own sauce made ​​from soybean that have decayed or rotten tempe mixed and cooked with various spices like chilli or chilli, onion, salt, and other spices. Do not trigger disgust if you know the basic ingredients are made ​​from rotten tempeh, but try it first if it has matured, it will definitely get you hooked.
There is a unique way of presenting more of sambal tumpang, ie by mixing sauce with chili pecel tumpang, a unique blend of delicious nan is called a mixed rice with sambal and sauces are called mixed. Meals with tumpang can be found along Jl. Dhoho, Kediri, East Java

gado gado

4. Gado-gado is one of the foods that come from Java in the form of vegetables are boiled and blended into one, with peanut sauce or sauce of crushed peanuts with sliced ​​egg and fried onions sprinkled on top. Ataukerupuk little fried chips (some are taking prawn crackers) are also added.Gado-gado can be eaten just like a salad with herbs / peanut sauce, but can also be eaten with white rice or sometimes also served with rice cake.




Pecel merupakan salah satu warisan kuliner Indonesia, khususnya seni kuliner Jawa yang berbahan dasar sayur-sayuran rebus yang dihidangkan dengan bumbu kacang. Hidangan pecel dapat dikategorikan sebagai hidangan salad tradisional Jawa dengan bumbu kacang.[1]Makanan ini juga mirip dengan gado-gado, walau ada perbedaan dalam bahan-bahan yang 


2.TAHU TEK is one of the typical food of Surabaya. TAHU tek consists of half-baked fried tofu and rice cake are cut into small pieces with scissors and a fork tool to hold out or rice cake, fried potatoes, little sprouts, and slices of cucumber diced length (such as pickles), then after doused with condiments topped, sprinkled crackers udangyang small shape with a diameter of about 3 cm.
Chunks of tofu and rice cake then doused with condiments made ​​of paste, to taste of boiled water, peanuts, peppers, and garlic. Seasoning pulverized, crushed while stirring with the pestle in a mortar made ​​of a large sunken stone (shaped like a large bowl), until the spices should be very thick. Used paste paste dariSidoarjo recommended, because it feels more comfortable and appropriate native of the region of origin (directly adjacent to the Sidoarjo Surabaya).
Named TAHU tek because scissors are used to cut food ingredients (tofu, rice cake, potatoes, and eggs) sounded as if cutting continues, although the food has been cut out, so it sounds like tek .. tek .. tek.


1. fried rice
Fried rice is a meal of rice and stir-fried in cooking oil or margarine, typically plus soy sauce, onion, garlic, tamarind, pepper and other spices, such as eggs, chicken, and crackers. There is also another type of fried rice made ​​with salted fish is also popular in Indonesia.

Fried rice is also known as the national dish of Indonesia. [1] Of the many dishes in Indonesian cuisine heritage, few can be considered a true national dish. Indonesia's national cuisine knows no social class boundaries. Fried rice can be enjoyed simply on roadside stalls, vending carts, up to the restaurant and the buffet table at a party